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Standing Rules and
Year-End Award Series Rules

SBC-CDS Standing Rules

Approved 4-5-2022





The following are the Standing Rules to be implemented by the Santa Barbara County

Chapter of the California Dressage Society (hereinafter SBC-CDS) starting April 19, 2021.


I. Elections, Terms, and Board Composition

A. Number of Elected Board Members and Positions

1. All SBC-CDS members are eligible to vote for board member candidates. This

includes Adult Amateur, Junior, and Open membership categories.

2. The total number of board members (elected and appointed) shall be a

minimum of three (3) and a maximum of eleven (11).

3. The minimum board positions must include Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.

4. From the board members elected, the following positions may also be filled: Vice

Chair, Education Chair, Show Chair, Membership Chair,

Sponsorship/Fundraising Chair, Communications Chair, Social Media Chair,

Social Chair, Awards Chair, and Member(s) at Large.

5. Individual board positions will be elected by the newly elected board members

at the first board meeting following election tabulation.

6. At the board’s discretion, any elected or appointed position may be held jointly

by two (2) people. Each elected and appointed board member shall be entitled to

voice and voting privileges at board meetings. The Chair does not have a voting

privilege but does have the authorized vote to break a tie.

B. Appointed Positions

1. The board may appoint other individuals to serve in positions and on

committees as deemed necessary to conduct the business of the Chapter, but

these individuals will not have voting rights. These individuals can be non-

members; however, Board members and committee chairs must be CDS


2. In accordance with the CDS by-laws, the board may appoint a replacement to fill

a vacated or unfilled seat with a simple majority vote. The replacement member

shall have all the rights of an elected member, including voting privileges, but

must run for re-election at the end of the term for which he or she has been

appointed if they wish to continue to serve.

C. Length of Terms

The length of a term for elected officers shall be one (1) year, starting on January 1st

of each year, or in the event the annual meeting for the prior year is held in January

of the following year, terms will begin the day after the election results are tallied.

D. Board Meetings

Board members are expected to attend as many board meetings as possible.

Meetings are generally held once per month for approximately two (2) hours.

E. Committee Meetings

Elected board members are expected to attend committee meetings as necessary to

support functions relevant to their elected or assigned positions.


II. Finances

A. Expense Reimbursements

All reimbursement requests shall include receipts and be submitted to the

Treasurer within thirty (30) days of outlay or purchase.

B. Checks and Balances:

1. A minimum of two signatories will be on file for the Chapter’s checking account.

Bank statements shall be received by the Chapter Chair for review, then

forwarded to the Chapter’s Treasurer.

2. The Chapter Treasurer shall be responsible for providing CDS Central Office all

financial reports as required by the CDS Standing Rules Article I.4.C.


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3. An annual Chapter budget will be developed and voted upon by the Chapter’s

Board of Directors no later than the end of the first quarter of each year.


III. Programs

A. CDS Adult Amateur and CDS Junior/Young Rider Clinic Participation

SBC-CDS adheres to the rules governing participation in the CDS Adult Amateur and

Junior/Young Rider Clinics as established by our governing body, the California Dressage

Society. In addition, application for participation in a Chapter drawing to be selected as the Chapter’s sponsored rider for the CDS Adult Amateur Clinic and the CDS Junior/Young Rider Clinic requires that the following provisions be met:

1. Applicant Eligibility: Applicants must be amateur members in good standing of

SBC-CDS at the time of the drawing.

2. Applicants must be active members who have demonstrated support of the

Chapter with service on the board or committees, volunteer work, or hosting of a

Chapter social or educational event within the year preceding the drawing. If

volunteer work is the sole criterion, applicants must have completed a minimum

of 4 hours of volunteering at a show or Chapter event.

3. Applicants must be actively riding at a minimum of Training level. They must

also be able to demonstrate that they have been actively training for the past 6

months on the horse they intend to take to the clinic.

4. Any member who has been the Chapter’s sponsored representative to the

Amateur Clinic or Junior/Young Rider Clinic must wait at least a year before re-

applying for the drawing. This restriction does not prevent the individual from

making direct, private application to the clinic organizer for an unused clinic slot

or, if such a slot is obtained, from entering the Chapter drawing the next year.

5. Applicants must submit their name at or before the Chapter’s Annual Meeting or

Awards Banquet.

6. At the Chapter’s Annual Meeting or Awards Banquet, the names of one

sponsored rider and as many alternates as have entered the drawing will be


7. The sponsored rider agrees to write an account of his or her clinic experience for

publication in the next Chapter communication following the clinic.

8. The sponsored rider agrees to write a thank-you note to CDS immediately upon

completion of the clinic. Because these notes are published in the CDS

newsletter, sponsored riders are encouraged to include specific comments about

how the clinic advanced their riding skills and/or their partnership with their


As a sponsored participant in the clinic and a representative of SBC-CDS, the

applicant agrees to show respect for the clinician, the clinic organizers, other riders

and the CDS rules governing participation in the clinic.

B. SBC-CDS Education Program

SBC-CDS encourages dressage education for its members. The Chapter will plan and

subsidize educational clinics, classes, etc. to the extent that its annual educational

budget allows.

SBC Grant Program

From time to time the board may, at its discretion, award Grants to its members to

pursue extraordinary opportunities in dressage. Grants will be awarded based on

available funds, educational merit, and member eligibility. An applicant who

receives an Educational Grant may not apply again the following year. The board

may appoint an Educational Grant Committee to assist the Board in reviewing

applications and allocating any available funds. This program is open to any Chapter

member in good standing who has actively supported the Chapter with board or

committee service or at least 4 hours of volunteer work within the last 12 months.

C. SBC-CDS Horse Shows

The Horse Show Committee will meet to select and recommend to the board the names,

dates, and number of Chapter-sponsored shows to be held each year. The committee will also recommend to the board specific schooling shows that the Chapter should endorse.

Scores from these shows will count towards the SBC-CDS Year-End Award Series.

D. SBC-CDS Year-End Award Series

The SBC-CDS Year-End Award Series was developed to encourage Chapter members to set riding goals and to reward achievement in the show ring. To be eligible for SBC-CDS Year-End Awards, a rider must be a member in good standing of SBC-CDS at the time the scores submitted are earned.

The Show and Awards Committees will present the Year-End Award Criteria for board

approval by the end of the first quarter. The criteria will be posted on the Chapter website.

Changes to the Year-End Award Series criteria may be made at any time by the Chapter’s

Board of Directors.

These rules, as revised, were voted on and approved by the Chapter’s Board of Directors on April 5th, 2022.



2022 SBC-CDS Year-End Award Series


The SBC-CDS Year-End Award Series was developed to encourage chapter members to set riding goals and reward achievement in the show ring. To be eligible for SBC-CDS Year-End Awards:

A rider must be an SBC-CDS member in good standing at the time scores submitted are earned. The award year will run from December 1 to November 30. For each horse and rider combination, per level, scores must be submitted as described below:


Introductory through Fourth levels:

  • •To qualify for year-end “Schooling” awards, horse and rider combination must submit their two highest scores from any level.

  • •Scores must be earned at SBC-CDS endorsed schooling shows or classes(including ‘Opportunity’) from SBC-CDS rated shows.

  • •The two scores will be averaged to determine the winner at each level.



SBC CDS Chapter

SLO CDS Chapter

Ventura CDS Chapter

On The Bit Schooling Show Series


Introductory through Grand Prix levels:

  • •To qualify for year-end “Recognized” awards, riders must submit their two highest scores at any level from two different judges. The scores must be earned at two different CDS-rated shows.

  • •Competitors must earn at least one score from an SBC-CDS show or perform a minimum of 10 hours of volunteer work for the chapter during the award year.

  • •The two scores submitted will be averaged to determine the winner.



  • •Awards will be given for USDF Freestyle (First – 4th) and FEI Freestyle

2022 SBC-CDS Year-End Award Series


General rules:

To be eligible, riders must submit scans of their two highest-score tests at any level to via email by December 1 of the award year.

  • •Schooling and Recognized Awards will be given to Junior, Amateur, andOpen competitors.

  • •Junior division riders will be considered eligible until the competition year in which they turn 22.

  • •A rider and horse combination:oCannot win both Schooling and Recognized. If you qualify for both award categories, the Show Committee will default to a “Recognized”award unless otherwise notified by competitor.

  • oMay compete for Year-End Awards in up to two levels, however they must be adjoining—for example Training and First, or Second and Third.

  • oMay only win the championship in Year-End Awards at the same level for two (2) consecutive years, after which time the combination must wait out a year or compete at a higher level.



NOTE: Changes to these rules may be made at any time by the Chapter’s Board of Directors.

These rules, as revised, were voted on and approved by the Chapter’s Board of Directors on May 3rd, 2022

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